"M. Storey-Bates Cards" by Stacy Young and Emma Grosjean

Student Projects from the Archives

Student Projects from the Archives

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M. Storey-Bates Cards


The M. Storey-Bates postcard binder in the David P. Campbell Postcard Collection includes 132 postcards that date from 1904-1918 and that feature a multitude of images. These images consist of photographs of Edwardian actors and actresses, cartoon illustrations, illustrations created from Dickens, paintings, and much more. All of the postcards that are included in the binder have been mailed to addresses in the United Kingdom, most certainly from other addresses in the UK. The majority of these postcards were mailed to Minnie Storey-Bates (1887-1959) from Ralph Duckworth (1885-1960). Their personal relationship included correspondence that consisted of mundane daily activities, check-ins, best wishes, and courtship. Some of these cards were written in code – numerical, letter, and a combination. The paper includes a map that shows were these postcards were sent from and the distance they took to be received, available at https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1b-29aULy-izLtTHxOBfUPzetG9iuZgWQ&ll=51.776530082418425%2C-1.662999500000069&z=7



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