"Documentary Borders : Reality or Illusion" by Sabine Roux and Caroline Courbières


The concept of border of document allows us to deploy the significant content of a document in several regimes of meaning. A document can be studied as a semiotic mediation according its communicational intention (intention to inform, intention to signify, intention to inform oneself, intention to interpretate). After studying those values of the document, the question is about whether a documentary border persists unchanged when regimes of meaning are updated. The slipping of documentary borders is examined through the content of the diverse works of Jocelyn Bonnerave. His doctoral thesis in anthropology documenting practices in performing arts influenced his theatrical work and his literary research. Bonnerave uses his notebooks of field observations in both his scientific papers and his artistic productions at the same time. Thus, the ambiguous status of the notebook is studied to analyze the metamorphosis of the documentary subject. The oscillation between informational content and aesthetic aspect allows attention to document aesthetics and constitutes a new perspective in the study of the document.

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