Old Order Amish; Old Order Mennonite; Groffdale Mennonite Conference; agriculture extension; nutrient management planning; in-person training; agricultural communications
This service provider report taps into the experience of a longtime Extension Educator in Wisconsin. Pulling from his work in Clark County, WI, where Amish and Old Order Mennonites have been particularly important to the local agricultural economy, he provides examples of how Extension can modify programming to meet the needs of plain producers. Topics of interest to Amish and Mennonite farmers include nutrient management, forage quality, and farm safety. Areas of program modification include approaches to communication, training, and support in ways that are culturally sensitive to church restrictions. In-person training and informational voicemail recordings have been particularly useful modalities. [Abstract by editors.]
Recommended Citation
Halopka, Richard. 2021. "Providing Agricultural Information to Amish and Mennonite Farmers: Creative Adaptations to Wisconsin Extension Programs and Communications." Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies 9(2):197-200.
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