"Review of: Anderson, Cory, and Jennifer Anderson. 2019. <em>Amish-Menn" by Karen Conley https://doi.org/10.62192/japas.v08i2n10">


Karen Conley


Beachy Amish-Mennonite; Maranatha Amish-Mennonite; Mennonite Christian Fellowship; Amish; Christian mission; globalization; Westernization; Dependency Theory


The Amish-Mennonites across the Globe is a coffee-table type book, a 320 page documentary of the international mission efforts of the “car-driving” Amish groups, known variously within the plain communities as Beachy, Amish-Mennonite, or Fellowship churches. It was preceded by The Amish-Mennonites in North America, the first book of the Amish-Mennonite Heritage Series and compiled by the same authors. Naturally it is likely to appeal mostly to those people with connections to said churches. The book covers church planting efforts in 18 countries, which includes 100 congregations, most of them current but 16 of them now extinct. Each country is introduced by a summary of the last few hundred years (including the efforts of other cultures pressed upon the populace); its foods (What’s Cookin’?); Language—including a Bible verse; a blurb on the clothing/textile history of the country; and maps of the country marking current and past Amish-Mennonite congregations. The real gems of this book are the pictures of the congregations and their meetinghouses. [First paragraphs]

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