Strangers and Pilgrims is first and foremost a photo documentation of colony life of Low German-speaking Mennonites in Latin America with accompanying commentary. With volumes published in German and English, Strangers and Pilgrim’s main audience is Low German-speaking Mennonites in Latin America and their diaspora communities in Canada and the United States. It is patterned after its bilingual forbearer Gäste und Fremdlinge/Strangers and Pilgrims (1987), also published by Die Mennonitische Post, yet it has some marked differences. Volume I was almost entirely photographs with captions, whereas Volume II includes considerable amounts of text. Volume I focused on the history of colonies and Mennonite settlements in Latin America, and Strangers and Pilgrims, in Giesbrecht’s words, “provides insight into life in the newer colonies” (p. 5). [First paragraph]
Recommended Citation
Fast, Kerry. 2020. "Review of: Giesbrecht, Kennert. 2018. Strangers and Pilgrims: How Mennonites Are Changing Landscapes in Latin America. Vol. 2. Trans. James Schellenberg. Steinbach, MB: Die Mennonitische Post. 303pp., h/c, $29.95 CAN." Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies 8(1):99-100.
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