In recent years, the Amish have become surprisingly popular in American culture. Books, television shows, and movies expose the curious to a relatively unknown religious sect, though most of these productions have little to do with the real lives of the Amish. Twenty years ago a very young man from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, Steven Nolt, produced a well-documented handbook giving the history of the Amish and explaining their many schisms and subsequent sub-groups. A new third edition of the study provides verification of the popularity of the group as well as the skill of Nolt in explaining their history to a general audience. [First paragraph]
Recommended Citation
Pratt, Dorothy. 2016. "Review of Nolt, Steven. 2015. A History of the Amish [3rd ed.]. New York, NY: Good Books. Pp. 406." Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies 4(1):118-20.
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