Heritage of Faith is a 367 page ten-unit high school level course prepared for students in Apostolic Christian Church schools and homes. The first three units cover church history from the time of Christ through the Reformation. Units four through eight concentrate on Apostolic Christian Church (ACC) history. Unit nine is a brief history of how the Bible came to us, emphasizing the superiority of the King James Version. Unit ten is a history of hymnology with a focus on Zion’s Harp, the official ACC hymnal. [First paragraph]
Recommended Citation
Swartz, John. 2015. "Review of Ehnle, Kurt, and Jane Ehnle. 2011. Heritage of Faith: A History of the Church with an Apostolic Christian Focus. Fairbury, IL: Heritage Press." Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies 3(1):133-35.
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