"Riding the Wave: <em>Tech Tsunami</em>'s Rhetoric Enables Plain Anabap" by Cory Anderson https://doi.org/10.62192/japas.v12i1-2n09">


Cory Anderson


Arguably, no book has shaped plain Anabaptist discourse about technology more than Gary Miller’s Tech Tsunami. Since its 2016 publication, the book has achieved near-canonical status within certain Conservative and Old Order Anabaptist circles, particularly among business owners wrestling with technology adoption. The book’s influence extends beyond the original text—an audiobook and a youth edition (Tech Talk, 2021) circulate widely, discussion groups form around its ideas, and its vocabulary infiltrates conversations about church rules. The book’s success builds on Miller’s existing platform; his works Kingdom Focused Finances, Church Matters, and Life in a Global Village helped establish him as a voice for measured change and the-conscience-in-touch-with-today among plain Anabaptists seeking ostensibly middle ground between totalitarian rejection and anarchist adoption. [First paragraph.]

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