"Profiles of Major Amish Settlements in North America: A Guide for Rese" by Cory Anderson and Rachel Bacon https://doi.org/10.62192/japas.v12i1-2n05">


ethnic enclaves; religious migration; Amish population; Amish community maps; healthcare access


Amish populations cluster in ethnic enclaves, or “settlements,” which are located across much of North America, notably in the regions of the Mid-Atlantic, Great Lakes, Midwest, and Upper South. This article profiles 38 of the largest and best known Amish settlements. The profiles include (1) a recent population tally and population projections to 2050, (2) population density maps, (3) settlement history, (4) socio-economic attributes, (5) religious affiliations, and (6) an overview of the physical and economic landscape. The purpose of this article is to provide scholars and service providers an informative introduction to the different settlements. This article can help inform applied projects such as local health department outreach or transportation/land use planning initiatives, research publications where scholars reference multiple settlements and need an article to point readers to for more information, and scholar probes into possible field research locations. [Abstract by authors.]

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