postpartum depression; anxiety; Amish; residence program; counseling; SpringHaven Counseling Center; Woodside Rest
Mother’s Hope is a culturally sensitive residential program of hope and healing for plain Anabaptist mothers struggling with postpartum depression and anxiety. The home is situated in central Ohio and run by paid staff and Amish volunteers. While in residence, mothers get intensive attention from professional counseling and medical staff at nearby SpringHaven Counseling Center. This home is unique in that mothers are permitted to keep their infants with them in the home so that mother-child bonding is not interrupted while they receive mental health treatment. Several women, former residents at Mother’s Hope, shared their stories, which are included in this article. [Abstract by authors.]
Recommended Citation
Bright, Renee, and Naomi Raber. 2023. "Mother’s Hope: A Residential Program Caring for Plain Mothers with Mental Health Challenges." Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies 11(2):211-14.
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