This is the autobiography of Johann and Elfriede Wall Steffen. They were Russian Mennonites who lived under Communist rule from after World War I until 1988. Russian Mennonites suffered much during the famine of the 1930s, then during the persecution of the “Great Purge” (1936-1938). During World War II, when Germans occupied Ukraine, Russian Mennonites with German heritage had several years of peace. But when the Russians drove the German army westward, Mennonites suffered severely. Thousands were exiled to Siberia where many died due to hard labour and starvation. [First paragraph.]
Recommended Citation
Martin, Donald. 2023. "Review of: In the Fiery Furnace: Life in Ukraine, Siberia, Kazakhstan, and Germany: The Autobiography of Johann and Elfriede Steffen—Edward Kline (translation)." Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies 11(1):117-18.
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