"Symposium Review: <em>Awake, O Church!: A Serious Look at Christian Ou" by Christopher Petrovich and Jennifer Anderson https://doi.org/10.62192/japas.v10i1n14">


True to its pithy title, author Barry Grant calls the Christian church to awaken from its spiritual slumber, the result of North American materialism manifesting itself on the foreign mission field. Awake, O Church! is one of few recent appraisals of plain Anabaptist mission, and one of the only that indicts the plain Anabaptist church communities and networks that send missionaries from the pen of an active missionary. This book is remarkable in that it is a sustained critique of one of the most heavily endowed Protestant humanitarian organizations in the world, and is published by a reputable plain Anabaptist (conservative Mennonite) organization. [First paragraph.]

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