Award-winning documentary filmmakers Kelly and Tammy Rundle have created two short films focusing on historical conflicts over parochial Amish education in Wisconsin and Iowa. Their first film, The Amish Incident: Rural Conflict and Compromise, released in 2019, follows the rising controversy in rural Buchanan County, Iowa, from the bitterly contested 1961 vote to merge two school districts in neighboring towns Oelwein and Hazleton to the dramatic 1965 “incident” when education officials tried to forcibly transport Amish students to the local public school. The second film, The Amish Incident: Wisconsin v. Yoder, released in 2021, picks up the story of the Amish families who moved from Iowa to New Glarus, Wisconsin, in 1964, beginning with the tensions over increased tourism and disagreements with public school staff, and traces their choice to accept outside legal help in taking their court case to the Supreme Court in 1971. [First paragraph.]
Recommended Citation
Yoder Kuhns, Jewel. 2022. "Review of: The Amish Incident: Rural Conflict and Compromise and The Amish Incident: Wisconsin v. Yoder—Kelly Rundle and Tammy Rundle." Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies 10(1):115-16.
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