Joseph Stoll, in Amish and Old Order Mennonite Schools: A Concise History, and Samuel Coon, in The School by the Cornfield, provide two very different perspectives on the struggle to establish Anabaptist schools. The books contrast primarily in their geographic and chronological scope. However, both write about parochial schools with a voice sympathetic to the vision of Amish and Mennonite school founders. They use similar sources, drawing on newspaper accounts, published Amish schools’ histories, and Amish and Mennonite periodicals, as well as personal recollections from individuals involved in school conflicts. [First paragraph.]
Recommended Citation
Yoder Kuhns, Jewel, and Daniel L. Yoder. 2022. "Symposium Review: Amish and Old Order Mennonite Schools: A Concise History—Joseph Stoll; and The School by the Cornfield—Samuel Coon." Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies 10(1):106-09.
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