Home > UA Law > Akron Law Journals > AKRONTAXJOURNAL > Vol. 21 (2006)
Personal and Political Bias in the Debate Over Federal Income Taxation Rates and ProgressivityRichard J. Kovach
Taxation of Below-Market Loans Under 7872: This Could be a Lot Simpler!John A. Lynch Jr.
Attaining U.S. Effectively Connected Income in the Aftermath of the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 and Its Aim to Repeal Extraterritorial Income ExclusionDavid LeBron
Bright Line, Dim Prospects: Grupo Dataflux v. Atlas Global Group, L.P. Reaffirms a Bright Line Barrier to Diversity Jurisdiction for Limited Partnerships and Other Unincorporated EntitiesAmy Friedmann
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ISSN: 00002-371X