IdeaExchange@UAkron - Black Male Summit: Building Blocks to be a Successful Black Male

Event Title

Building Blocks to be a Successful Black Male


Student Union 316 10:25 - 10:50

Type of Presentation

20 minute presentation

Audience Type

High school students, High school teachers or counselors, College students, College teachers or advisors, High school parents, College parents, Other


The basis of this presentation is to provide a different approach to Black Male Achievement in higher education. This presentation will discuss foundational keys that need to be established during the adolescent years of black males. Upon establishing these keys, black males will have the preparation needed to combat the challenges and obstacles they will encounter along their journey to adulthood. In addition, the success rate possibilities in higher education will become endless. Family, respect, conflict resolution, and pride are essential in the maturation process of black males and help pave the way to higher education. The successes obtained by black males in higher education and beyond begin with the foundation that is created and developed by these keys.

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Building Blocks to be a Successful Black Male

Student Union 316 10:25 - 10:50

The basis of this presentation is to provide a different approach to Black Male Achievement in higher education. This presentation will discuss foundational keys that need to be established during the adolescent years of black males. Upon establishing these keys, black males will have the preparation needed to combat the challenges and obstacles they will encounter along their journey to adulthood. In addition, the success rate possibilities in higher education will become endless. Family, respect, conflict resolution, and pride are essential in the maturation process of black males and help pave the way to higher education. The successes obtained by black males in higher education and beyond begin with the foundation that is created and developed by these keys.