Date of Last Revision

2023-05-03 05:03:52


Applied Mathematics

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science

Date of Expected Graduation

Spring 2018


In Dunn County, Wisconsin the lakes suffer from algae blooms due to excess phosphorus runoff. A coupled bio-economic model is studied with the intent of finding the optimal level of phosphorus that should be allowed into the lake depending on certain biologic and economic parameters. We model the algae and phosphorus concentration in the lake over time based off the phosphorus input. Community welfare is modeled by comparing the costs and benefits of phosphorus fertilizer. This model is proposed to find the phosphorus level that maximizes community welfare and then determine how certain environmental and social change initiatives will affect the phosphorus, algae, and welfare level.

Research Sponsor

J. Patrick Wilber

First Reader

Malena Espanol

Second Reader

Amanda Weinstein



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