Buchtel College of Arts and Sciences
Date of Last Revision
2025-01-14 06:54:29
Honors Course
PSYC 498
Number of Credits
Degree Name
Bachelor of Arts
Date of Expected Graduation
Winter 2024
Sleep is extremely important in all aspects of life. From the time someone is born to the time they pass they need sleep. It is crucial for their abilities to function and live their day to day lives. However, in different parts of life sleep is more crucial than ever. Young adults/college age students are one of those groups who need sleep but tend to pass up on adequate sleep. Throughout this, there will be the detailed importance of sleep and one way in which sleep can be studied in correlation to academics, physical health, eating habits, mental health and overall routines. A survey will be created and anticipated results and correlations will be discussed as this idea is dove into and discovered more.
Research Sponsor
Kevin Kaut
First Reader
Andrea Snell
Second Reader
Jared Buck
Honors Faculty Advisor
Kevin Kaut
Proprietary and/or Confidential Information
Recommended Citation
Stein, Sierra, "Creation of a survey and study on sleep habits of college students" (2024). Williams Honors College, Honors Research Projects. 1905.