Mechanical Engineering Faculty Research


An Intelligent Ultrasonic Based Neuro-Navigation System for Improved Image Guided Neurosurgery

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



This paper shows the feasibility of using an accurate 3D ultrasonic position estimation system for realtime image guided neurosurgery. Current image guided systems use camera based technology that is space-intensive, have an accuracy of about 2mm, and are prone to occasional failures. The 3D system presented in this paper eliminates the space intensive camera, has an accuracy better than 2mm in the operating range of about 20–40cm, makes the system independent of line-of-sight occlusion problems, and is expected to pave the way for accurate fusion models of MRI and ultrasonography to account for brain shifts during surgery. This paper presents the system formulation, optimal placement of receivers using an innovative genetic algorithm approach, a scheme for automatic installation and calibration, and finally some preliminary experimental results within a laboratory environment.

Publication Title

ASME 2003 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition

First Page


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